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March 17th Update: Online Mass and New Communications

To the parishioners of Our Lady of the Angels,

As we continue to navigate these unprecedented circumstances, we are working on ways to support and encourage prayer and community for our parish.

As of this writing, the parish will continue our schedule of daily Masses at 8:00 am and 11:00 am for those who wish to attend in person. The office will remain open. We will follow any additional directives offered by the Diocese of Venice in Florida.

Beginning on Wednesday, March 18th, we will broadcast the 8:00 am Mass on Facebook Live. To view, please like and follow our page on Facebook (search olangelscc) and visit the page at 8:00 am. The Mass video will be available on the page each day after the end of Mass.

For additional updates and information, please follow our website at and our Facebook page. We will continue to publish our weekly bulletin and it will be available on our website. You can also subscribe to have it delivered to your email.

We have been using Flocknotes for Faith Formation messaging this year and we are going to roll it out to the rest of the parish to facilitate communications. To sign up for text and/or email messages, click the following link:

To subscribe to text messages, text JOINOLA to 84576.

Following are some additional resources to get us through these times:

Your continued support of OLA will be appreciated. Contributions may be mailed to the church office and will be gratefully accepted through our online giving site. Please visit our website and scroll down to the red ONLINE GIVING icon.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

Yours in Christ,

The Staff at Our Lady of the Angels


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