All Ministries

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of the Angels:

We sincerely welcome you to our Church and to our faith community. All of us belong to the Catholic ‘universal’ Church and you, in particular, can bring tremendous gifts to our Parish. If you are new to us, we invite you to join one of our many ministries. We are a relatively young parish; however, we have accomplished so very much in a short period of time. We have seen enormous growth in our community, which reminds us of both the opportunities and the challenges that face us in the future.

The founders of Our Lady of the Angles laid the ground work for us. We must now continue to grow and flourish by way of giving our time, our talents, and our treasures. There is much to accomplish in the coming years, and it will require the dedication and generosity of all parishioners. In what way can you offer your time, talent and treasure for the honor and glory of Our Lord? We encourage you to set aside some time in your busy day to look through this Ministry Catalog. We ask everyone to give this prayerful consideration.

The ministries listed on this booklet reach out to all members of our church community. Christ asks all of us to help grow His church. Our growth is flourishing; however, it takes many volunteers to keep our momentum going. Once you begin to get involved in our church community you will find that you will make some wonderful new friends who share your Catholic beliefs and values.

Stewards of our Time …
Make Mass the top priority on Sunday
Spend time in prayer each day
Pray with family and loved ones

Stewards of our Talent …
Use our gifts to help build the kingdom
Remain active in our parish ministries
Remain open to new ministries
Teach our children to serve the Church

Stewards of our Treasure …
We are called to look at our giving as a response for the blessings God has given us
Make an intentional gift each week
Use offertory envelopes and online giving
Support the Catholic Faith Appeal

If you are interested in serving in any of the ministries listed below please call the parish office at 941-752-6770. You can also see our weekly bulletin for the contact name and email for these various ministries.



Encore, Adult Singles: Volunteers gather for social events for adult single members of our parish to share friendship, companionship and support.
Time Commitment: 1 hour / event.

Funeral Reception: Volunteers working with the family of the deceased to arrange a light lunch reception, decorate tables, serve food and beverages, and assist in the clean-up.
Time Commitment: 3 hours / occasion.

Hospitality: (Ushers and Greeters): Volunteers greet parishioners, assist with seating, circulate the collection baskets, facilitate the Communion lines, and distribute the weekly bulletin.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 weekend Masses / month

Knights of Columbus Council 13341: A Catholic men’s fraternal society. The K of C sponsor several fund raising events throughout the year, providing both fellowship and enjoyment for members and their families. Visit the website.
Time Commitment: 1 - 1 ½ meeting hours / month. 24 volunteer hours / year.

Safety & Security:  Volunteers are needed to promote safe church policies and maintain safety standards. 
Time Commitment: 1 - 2  hours / week.

Saint Clare Woman’s Guild: Women 18 years and older, to attend monthly meetings where women of the parish come together to share social experiences and sisterhood. The Guild is also actively involved in fundraising through its annual fashion show.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ meeting hours / month.

Sunday Breakfast: Parishioners are invited to a monthly breakfast following Sunday morning Masses. Volunteers serve in the kitchen and assist in the clean-up.
Time Commitment: 3 - 4 hours / event.

Welcome Team: Volunteers contact new parishioners to welcome them and to help them engage in the life of the parish and the ministries. They also greet and welcome new parishioners at the Sunday Breakfasts and other special social events.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 hours / month


Adult Faith Enrichment (Ongoing Catechesis): Volunteers assist with bible study, faith sharing and other formation programs.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ - 2 hours / week.

Catechists: Catechists facilitate Faith Formation and Sacramental classes for our children. Volunteer catechists teach the faith using diocesan approved curriculum.
Time Commitment: 1 ¼ hours / week.

Children's Liturgy: Volunteers teach the Gospel readings on a level appropriate for children ages 5-7 during the 9AM Mass from September through May. 
Time Commitment: 1 hour / week.

Ministry of Moms (MOMs): Mothers dedicated to creating a vibrant family faith. Our mission is to connect, support and offer moms opportunities & resources to grow in their Catholic faith. 
Time Commitment: 1 ¾ hours / bi-week.

Right of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): A group of parishioners who guide individuals interested in converting to the Catholic faith. Classes are held from September to Pentecost.
Time Commitment: 2 - 3 hours / week.

Totus Tuus: Volunteers, including teens of the parish, participate in all aspects of the program creating a positive experience for all involved.
Time Commitment: 5 hours / day (8AM - 1PM) for one week during the summer.

Women's Bible Study - Walking with Purpose: Weekly meetings during the school year where women (18 years and older) get to know Jesus Christ personally by making Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church relevant and applicable. We use the studies developed by Walking with Purpose, a national Catholic women's ministry. Find more information here: or email Time Commitment: 2 meeting hours / week plus weekly study work approximately 1 hour during the school year

Young Adults: Adults ages 18-39 are welcome to gather for social events, discuss their faith, and participate in service projects. 
Time Commitment: 1 hours / week.

Youth Ministry: Volunteer opportunities are available as:
Core team leaders and assistants working with the youth on a weekly, year round basis
Hospitality team setting up potluck dinners and arranging food
Service team organizing service projects around the parish or in the community
Prayer angels praying for the continued growth of the program, our youth, and their leaders.
Time Commitment: Core Team Leader/Assistance – 2 hours / week; Hospitality Team – 2 hours / month; Service Team – 2 hours / month; Prayer Angels – Ongoing.



Adoration Ministry:  Participation as a committed Adorer to spend a weekly hour with Our Lord in the Adoration Chapel, and/or to be a member of the Team that includes being a Team contact for Adorers, and behind-the-scenes care of the Chapel.

Altar Servers:  Adult and Youth: Altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of Mass.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 weekend and/or weekday Masses / month.

Baptism Angels: Volunteers assist the priest through the process of baptismal preparation and ceremony.
Time Commitment: 2 hours / event.

Choir:  OLA has 2 adult choirs, a bell choir, Men's Choir, children's choir and contemporary group.  Rehearsals are once a week and groups will play or sing on Saturday or Sunday Mass.
Time Commitment: 2 hours / event.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Volunteers assist the priest at Masses with the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 weekend and/or weekday Masses / month.

Legion of Mary: The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholic men and women who,  with the sanction of the church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate,  fight the battle of spiritual warfare, with the rosary being our most powerful weapon. The works carried out include: Fatima statue visits, leading the rosary and communion service at retirement facilities, giving out rosaries and Miraculous Medal chains as well as other sacramentals.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 hours / week.

Praise Band: Vocalists and musicians, 10 years and older, serve at the Sunday evening Mass.
Time Commitment: 2 ½ hours / week.

Prayer Line Angels: Volunteers pray privately for the specific needs of others.
Time Commitment: Varies by need

Readers: Volunteers proclaim the Word of God during Mass.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 weekend and/or weekday Masses / month

Rosary Outreach: Volunteers lead the rosary at assisted living and memory care facilitie.  
Time Commitment: varies by need. 

Vocation: Volunteers pray for those discerning a call to religious life and may participate in the rosary for vocations on the second Thursday of the Month.  Plan Priesthood Sunday (in September) to honor our clergy.
Time Commitment: varies by need. 

Wedding Helpers: Volunteers assist the priest during the marriage ceremony.
Time Commitment: 1 - 1 ½ hours / occasion


Bereavement Ministry : Volunteers in this ministry offer support to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one.  Training is involved to become a facilitator.  Facilitators aid in the navigation of the grief process in a safe and confidential environment. 
Time Commitment: Varies by need

Culture of Life: Volunteers organize and participate in programs and events that recognize the divine dignity of Christ present in every human from the moment of conception to natural death.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ hours / month 

Gardening Helpers: Volunteers maintain Church grounds. They weed, mulch and clear away brush as needed and maintain the Memorial Garden.
Time Commitment: 2 hours / month

Golf Tournament Committee: Annual fundraiser for the Church. Volunteers work from August through November organizing, advertising, and promoting the tournament.
Time Commitment: Varies by need.

Jail/Prison Ministry: Volunteers bring the Eucharist to the incarcerated.
Time Commitment: Twice a month. 

Loving Stitches: Volunteers meet to knit, crochet, and sew items for donation to various charities.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ hours / week.

Martha's Ministry: Volunteers meet toclean the church and chapel.  
Time Commitment: Varies by availability/ week.

Ministry to the Homebound, Hospitalized or Infirmed: Volunteers bring communion to the homebound, hospitalized and those in assisted living facilities.
Time Commitment: Varies by need

Money Counters: Volunteers count the weekly collections.
Time Commitment: 2 - 4 hours / week by rotation.

Peace and Justice: Volunteers are dedicated to serving the charity of the month, participating in Adopt-A-Road program for Manatee County, and Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl initiative.
Time Commitment: 1 - 1 ½ hours / once every two months

Rosary Altar Society: Volunteers decorate, maintain and clean the Church.
Time Commitment: 1 hour / week.

Rosary Makers: Volunteers make rosary beads for parishioners, ministries, first holy communicants, assisted living facilities, and others. Volunteers work at their own pace and can work at home.
Time Commitment: 2 ½  hours / once a month.