Bereavement Ministry: Volunteers in this ministry offer support to anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Training is involved to become a facilitator. Facilitatprs aid in the navigation of the grief process in a safe and confidential environment.
Time Commitment: Varies by need.
Culture of Life: Volunteers organize and participate in programs and events that recognize the divine dignity of Christ present in every human from the moment of conception to natural death.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ hours / month
Gardening Helpers: Volunteers maintain Church grounds. They weed, mulch, and clear away brush as needed and maintain the Memorial Garden.
Time Commitment: 2 hours / month.
Golf Tournament Committee: Annual fundraiser for the Church. Volunteers work from August through November organizing, advertising, and promoting the tournament.
Time Commitment: Varies by need.
Jail/Prison Ministry: Volunteers bring the Eucharist to the incarcerated.
Time Commitment: Twice a month.
Loving Stitches: Volunteers meet to knit, crochet, and sew items for donation to various charities.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ hours / week.
Ministry to the Homebound: Volunteers bring communion to the homebound, hospitalized and those in assisted living facilities.
Time Commitment: Varies by need.
Money Counters: Volunteers count the weekly collections.
Time Commitment: 2 -4 hours / week by rotation.
Peace and Justice: Volunteers are dedicated to serving the charity of the month, participating in Adopt-A-Road program for Manatee County, and Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl initiative.
Time Commitment: 1 - 1 ½ hours / once every two months.
Rosary Altar Society: Volunteers decorate, maintain and clean the Church.
Time Commitment: 1 hour / week.
Rosary Makers: Volunteers make rosary beads for parishioners, ministries, first holy communicants, assisted living facilities, and others. Volunteers work at their own pace and can work at home.
Time Commitment: 2 ½ hours / once a month.