I'm New



Our Lady of the Angels would like to welcome you to our parish.  Being new can be both an exciting and anxious time. We have many active ministries within the parish that can help you get comfortable within our parish and in the community. We encourage you to reach out and join one. Below is a list of ministries and the contact person for the ministry. If you have not had a chance yet to register with the parish we encourage you to do so. Please fill out the registration form (two pages, links below) and bring it to the church office, drop it in the Sunday collection basket or email to the address listed below.  

Parish Registration

Please submit this form to parishinfo@olangelscc.org

Ministry Contacts

Adoration(Kristin) AdorationOLA@outlook.com
Adult Faith Enrichment (Lucy)ltamajon@olangelscc.org
Altar Servers (Jack/Nick) ola.altarservers.6770@gmail.com
Baptism Helpers (Donna) oaknoats@gmail.com
Bereavement Support (John) foggsound@gmail.com
Catechists (Debbie) djackson@olangelscc.org
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 
Choir/Bells/Orchestra (Gia) ghavener@olangelscc.org
Encore, Adult Singles (Carol) Carol_Downey_12@yahoo.com
Eucharistic Ministers (Gail) gail.wynne@hotmail.com
Finance Council (Steve) sbalazic@verizon.net
Funeral Reception (Emmy & Barbara) emmywalsh@comcast.net
Garden Helpers (Anna) ajgonnella@gmail.com
Golf Tournament (Dave) davidfbechtol@comcast.net
Homebound Ministry (Michael & Diane) mdmalik@verizon.net 
Hospitality (Vinny & Jean) vinjeanola@gmail.com
Jail/Prison Ministry (Kat& Enrique) khcooper2008@gmail.com, enviareque@gmail.com
Knights of Columbus (Gordon) gordon.shellhaas@msn.com 
Lectors (Sam) sambastianelli@gmail.com
Legion of Mary (Jeannine) danmaxkei@aol.com
Little Saints 
Loving Stitches (Aggie/Robbie) lovingstitches@olangelscc.org

Martha's Ministry  (Bob/Robbie)marthas@olangelscc.org
Money Counters (Deacon Jack) accounting@olangelscc.org
Mom’s Group (Jen) MomTribeOLA@gmail.com
Pancake Breakfast (Brian) s2ugots@gmail.com
Peace & Justice (Ruth) raharenchar@gmail.com 
Praise Band (Laura) lrussell@olangelscc.org
Prayer Line Angels (Lorraine) 941-755-7578 frontoffice@olangelscc.org
Rosary Altar Society (Teri) reskowrt@msn.com
OCIA (formerly RCIA) (Deacon Tom) deacontom@olangelscc.org
Culture of Life (Anita & Jim) cultureoflife@olangelscc.org 
Safe Environment Coordinator (Debbie) djackson@olangelscc.org   

Safety & Security (Chris) safety@olangelscc.org
St. Clare Women’s Guild (Jean) jean@decorativedesign.com
Sacristans (Gail) gail.wynne@hotmail.com
VBS - Toutus Tuus (Lucy)ltamajonolangelscc.org 
Vocation Team (Mark) markbobrien@aol.com
Wedding Helpers (Carrie) olangelsccwedding@gmail.com
Welcome Team (Mary) wardinflorida@gmail.com

Women's Bible Study - Walking with Purpose (Joy/Jen) walkingOLA@gmail.com

Youth Faith Formation (Middle & High School) (Lucy) ltamajon@olangelscc.org