Encore, Adult Singles: Volunteers gather for social events for adult single members of our parish to share friendship, companionship and support.
Time Commitment: 1 hour / event.
Funeral Reception: Volunteers working with the family of the deceased to arrange a light lunch reception, decorate tables, serve food and beverages, and assist in the clean-up.
Time Commitment: 3 hours / occasion.
Hospitality: (Ushers and Greeters): Volunteers greet parishioners, assist with seating, circulate the collection baskets, facilitate the communion lines, and distribute the weekly bulletin.
Time Commitment: 1-2 weekend Masses / month.
Knights of Columbus Council 13341: A Catholic men’s fraternal society. The K of C sponsor several fund raising events throughout the year, providing both fellowship and enjoyment for members and their families.
Time Commitment: 1 - 1 ½ meeting hours / month. 24 volunteer hours / year.
Safety & Security: Volunteers are needed to promote safe church policies and maintain safety standards.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 hours / week.
Saint Clare Woman’s Guild: Women 18 years and older, to attend monthly meetings where women of the parish come together to share social experiences and sisterhood. The Guild is also actively involved in fundraising through its annual fashion show.
Time Commitment: 1 ½ meeting hours / month.
Sunday Breakfast: Parishioners are invited to a monthly breakfast following Sunday morning Masses. Volunteers serve in the kitchen and assist in the clean-up.
Time Commitment: 3 - 4 hours / event.
Welcome Team: Volunteers contact new parishioners to welcome them and to help them engage in the life of the parish and the ministries. They also greet and welcome new parishioners at the Sunday Breakfasts and other special social events.
Time Commitment: 1 - 2 hours / month